In February 2016, COERR Mae Hong Son organized Child Protection and Social Work Training courses regarding Case Management and Teaching Skills, on the topics of Data Collection and Report Writing Skills, for our camp-based social workers in Ban Mae Surin and Ban Mai Nai Soi camps. The first training focused on the holistic view of their community and the second focused on individual approach. The outcome were staff’s capability for making walking map and family diagram through physical survey of community and writing report on case profile for individual case management. These skills will enable them to provide assistance in child protection work and referral effectively. During the training, Canada Fund for Local Initiatives paid a visit to Ban Mai Nai Soi and see the training which is a part of the program they have been supporting.
The next training in Child Protection is about Report Writing Skills for camp-based Social Workers. A social worker needs to follow up each case in order to write a Case Profile, Protection Concern, Case Assistance, Case Referral and Closing Case. The trainees practice writing home visit report, doing a role play of case study and discussing about the situation occurred. Using role play and game enable trainees to become aware of their strength and weakness so that they can improve their performance in work.

Training in Ban Mae Surin Camp during 4-5 February 2016

Group work - Walking Map

COERR and the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives and the camp-based staff trainees in Ban Mai Nai Soi on February 18, 2016

Canada Funds for Local Initiatives and COERR staff’s discussion

The Team of CFLI paid a visit to COERR’s Child Protection Training, Agriculture and Livelihood program implementing in BMN camp

Ban Mae Surin Trainees during 15-16 Feb 2016

BMS trainees in Report Writing in Description

Ban Mai Nai Soi Trainees on February 23-24, 2016

Learning about closing case

Report Writing Skill Practice |